Probari Initiatives
Learn about our recent projects and partnerships
Stronger Together
As part of our mission to support facility staff and improve resident care, we collaborate with institutions who share our same commitment to advancing the future of nursing homes.
PathWays for Aging
As part of our mission to support nursing homes in all aspects of fulfilling resident care, Probari is collaborating with a variety of organizations including Managed Care Entities to implement the PathWays program. Probari has been tasked to provide training to coordinators so they feel prepared and motivated before stepping into the nursing home.
IDOH Strike Team
Funded by IDOH COVID-19 Strike Team dollars, Probari worked with over 60 facilities in Indiana. Facilities utilized the Admission Review Program, where Probari’s team of virtual RNs reconciled information from the hospital and within the facility's medical record to create a checklist for the care team to quickly address issues, resulting in more time at the residents bedside.
Michigan Advance Care Planning
Funded by the Michigan Health Endowment Fund and through partnerships with Priority Health and Real Time Medical Systems, the ACP project worked to improve Advance Care Planning processes in Skilled Nursing Facilities through risk stratification software, staff training, and direct support ACP facilitation.
NIH Funded SBIR Grant
Funded by the National Institute of Health, Probari and Indiana University worked to develop a computer application, enhancing the Probari model, to support transfers of patients from the hospital to nursing home.
COVID-19 Support
Funded by the Indiana State Department of Health, Probari led efforts with the State of Indiana to develop innovative monitoring and essential support for nursing homes. Initiatives included clinical outreach to facilities, processing and reporting all IDOH Lab COVID-19 results, scheduling for statewide employee testing initiatives, training of the Indiana National Guard, vaccination mobile unit coordination, and anti-viral access for LTC residents.