Probari Inc. Will Provide Support For Indiana Nursing Homes During COVID-19
09 Apr Probari Inc. Will Provide Support For Indiana Nursing Homes During COVID-19
Probari Inc. announced it has contracted with the Indiana State Department of Health to provide outreach support to more than 500 nursing homes across the state during the COVID-19 outbreak.
Probari is assessing facilities for their level of preparedness and providing education, resources and the latest guidance from the ISDH and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The team’s trained registered nurses are connecting with facilities that have already had residents or staff test positive for COVID-19 or are at high risk for breakouts.
Probari was incorporated in 2018 to expand the impact created from Indiana University’s successful OPTIMISTIC project. OPTIMISTIC, a $30.3 million research initiative funded by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, proved a clinical care model that reduces hospital transfers by up to 33%. Armed with years of research and knowledge gained from the project, Probari built a system to improve standards of care to reduce unnecessary hospital transmissions.
“Probari is uniquely qualified to assist Indiana’s nursing homes during this critical time, “said Dr. Kathleen Unroe, Probari CEO. “Our registered nurses have years of experience working alongside nursing home staff to improve care and reduce hospital admissions.”
The Probari team is having daily calls with ISDH leaders to share information on facilities and areas of concern. If needed, state survey strike teams and field workers can be deployed so facilities have what they need to care for residents and prevent transmission of the disease. Data is collected, compiled and issued via weekly reports to highlight trends for quick intervention.