Tricky Transitions
When being discharged after a hospital stay, you want to trust your next destination will be quick, safe, and sustainable. Today, nursing homes are finding it increasingly difficult to fulfill this responsibility for their residents.
Practicing geriatrician, nursing home physician and Probari CMO, Dr. Kathleen Unroe, was featured in a Modern Healthcare article, “Transitions to Post Acute-Care are Getting Even More Challenging”, where she sheds light on these common admission pain points facing nursing homes today.

Probari perspective - The 5 Elements of an Admission Review
Let’s face it - nursing home operators and clinicians are often set up for failure when it comes to safely and effectively transferring a resident into facilities. If reports are called at all, they can be brief and missing key details. Discharge packets are either too small (without the needed information) or too big (so much info you don’t know where to start). The nurse is given an impossible decision between finding the necessary resident information or taking care of the patient.

Transitions to post-acute care are getting even more challenging
When being discharged after a hospital stay, you want to trust your next destination will be quick, safe, and sustainable. Today, nursing homes are finding it increasingly difficult to fulfill this responsibility for their residents. External factors limit the ability of a nursing home to swiftly place a resident and assure they are receiving personalized quality care. In addition, due to gaps in reimbursement nursing homes are incentivized to admit short-term residents just to stay in business.